Bird Watching

Observe countless rare birds that are part of the surroundings of the Convento da Sertã Hotel and the region. The landscape surrounding this region is spectacular, a perfect destination for bird lovers.



Granivorous bird whose principal diet is shoots. Has a distinctively colored plumage and nests in the mountains of the extreme North of Portugal. In autumn and winter appears in the rest of the country but is relatively rare. Prefers densely wooded areas.



With its unmistakable colors (blue back and wings, orange chest and stomach) this is a well-loved species. Often perches on posts or dead branches, next to water, ready to catch its prey. Present all year round.



Relatively common, although rare in some coastal zones. Mainly found in open or sparsely wooded areas. Can be observed all year. A popular game bird.



A distinctive bird due to its black and white plumage and long tail. Distributed throughout the majority of Portugal, but most frequent in the Alto Alentejo. Moves with small starts and builds its nest along roadsides.


Yellow wagtail

A very colorful bird with a long tail and one of the earliest summer migrants. Along with the House Martins, their arrival is one of the first signs that spring is on its way.


Alvéola Branca

Bastante reconhecível devido ao seu típico baloiçar de cauda e à coloração preto-e-branco das suas penas. Ocorre com regularidade no nosso território, sobretudo na região norte. Habita em águas doces interiores, campos e jardins. Mede cerca de 17-18 cm.



A small granivorous bird, well distributed throughout Continental Portugal, particularly in the south. Easily recognizable due to its red face, black and white head and yellow patches on the wings. Usually sings in spring.



A very common species in Portugal, readily spotted in rural and urban areas. Present all year round, sometimes in large groups. Males and females differ in plumage but share the wide beak.



A tiny bird with an unusual call. It has a wide, bright red beak and a mask of the same color. The rest of the plumage is predominantly brown. Frequent in low altitude areas.



Has a showy and attractive coloring, although its call is its principal distinctive feature. Common in some regions and can be seen all year round, in the summer forms sizeable groups.



A common species in Portugal and widely recognised with its black plumage and bright yellow beak. Observed in various habitats, such as woods, meadows and forests.



Displays a very characteristic black-tipped crest, which forms a fan-shape when raised. Its call is very distinctive and easy to identify, somewhat similar to that of the Cuckoo. Common throughout Portugal.


Black Redstart

A very common bird in the villages of North and Central Portugal, where it is also known as a "carvoeiro" or "pisco-ferreiro". Easily identified by its fire-colored and constantly twitching tail. Has a rapid flight.



Pode ser encontrado em diversos locais, sobretudo em zonas de pinhal ou à beira das estradas. Também conhecido por ‘Pica-pau-malhado-grande’ é o mais típico e abundante dos pica-paus nos bosques portugueses. O seu voo ondulante e o seu chamamento áspero são elementos distintivos.



A common species in woodlands and heaths/thickets, particularly in the Azores. Likes to sing at dawn. Similar in size to the Sparrow, but a little more robust and with a strong, conical, lead-colored beak.



Também conhecida por Carruíra, o seu nome científico significa “habitante de cavernas” e decorre do hábito desta pequena ave de tons acastanhados entrar em cavidades e fendas para pernoitar ou para caçar artrópodes. Pesa pouco mais de nove gramas e tem um canto muito singular.



Common throughout Portugal, especially in northern regions and the extreme South. Can be observed year-round, mainly in forested areas. Is an excellent mimic, with a surprising ability to imitate sounds.



Habitualmente conhecida por “Escrevedeira Amarela”, esta ave ocorre sobretudo em zonas de lameiros e prados de altitude. O amarelo dá-lhe uma tonalidade assertiva, embora este passeriforme prime pela descrição.


Blue Tit

Small but colorful bird that can be seen moving energetically amongst branches. Distributed throughout Portugal. Characterized by the blue head stripe and black stripe over the eyes, whilst the chest and abdomen are yellow. Present all year.



Insectívora de reduzidas dimensões é bastante comum em Portugal durante o Inverno, observando-se em praticamente todos os habitats. Apresenta cores bastante caraterísticas e surpreende pela sua faceta destemida, pois permite aproximações por parte do observador.


House Martin

A distinctive bird, whose arrival is seen as a herald of spring. Abundant in all regions and characterized by its forked tail and dark upper parts contrasting with white under parts. Has a short, sharp beak.



A pequena poupa é um dos elementos mais distintivos desta ave, cuja plumagem é predominantemente castanha e branca. A face é branca, com uma risca preta e o mento também é preto. Tem aproximadamente 11 cm de comprimento e prefere zonas de pinhal.



Recognizable from the distinctive plumage – a reddish orange patch extending from the forehead to the chest – and for its year-round song. Common in all of Portugal in the colder months and in the regions of the Northwest during the warmer months.
